That link is from a new blog I've found through Brian at Primordial Blog. Despite being a KC Chiefs Fan, this PhillyChief fellow seems to be on his game. For example, from his site:

Top notch advice. And when choosing your weapon, remember to factor in rising gas prices before going with your trusty chainsaw.
It took me a little longer than normal to put down the zombies this year, mostly because of trying to fit wedding planning in between battles. Also, I took time to hit Drinking Liberally and met a young man running for Congress in the 3rd District named Ashwin Madia at the 331 Club.
I was impressed by his candor and ability to not spout slogans. Hell, he impressed Bruce with his answers. He is far more moderate that most of the DL group, whom I am sure were upset he said we can't immediately leave Iraq. He is, however, perfect for the district that is represented by Jim Ramstad. Of course, I can't vote for him, but certain future in-laws of mine can, and I know at least one of them reads this from time to time. If you're in the district, you should check him out. Don't let the (D) scare you away from a good candidate.
Finally, I question the story from these guys. They claim they were hunting gophers with fire, sparking a 160 acre grass fire. My guess is the Canadian government is trying to cover up a bigger problem.
Your Worthless Nonsense? leader.
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