Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Wonder What Would Happen To This World

Sorry about the posting gap. I was preparing for a very dangerous day. You might know it as "Easter." Those in the know call it Zombie Jesus Day. It's like the 4th of July for zombies, when they rise from the dead and people, instead of being properly horrified, think it's some sort of miracle. The zombies then use the feelings of love and wonder to get close enough to feast upon the brains of their former loved ones. It's quite devious on their part.

That link is from a new blog I've found through Brian at Primordial Blog. Despite being a KC Chiefs Fan, this PhillyChief fellow seems to be on his game. For example, from his site:

Top notch advice. And when choosing your weapon, remember to factor in rising gas prices before going with your trusty chainsaw.

It took me a little longer than normal to put down the zombies this year, mostly because of trying to fit wedding planning in between battles. Also, I took time to hit Drinking Liberally and met a young man running for Congress in the 3rd District named Ashwin Madia at the 331 Club.

I was impressed by his candor and ability to not spout slogans. Hell, he impressed Bruce with his answers. He is far more moderate that most of the DL group, whom I am sure were upset he said we can't immediately leave Iraq. He is, however, perfect for the district that is represented by Jim Ramstad. Of course, I can't vote for him, but certain future in-laws of mine can, and I know at least one of them reads this from time to time. If you're in the district, you should check him out. Don't let the (D) scare you away from a good candidate.

Finally, I question the story from these guys. They claim they were hunting gophers with fire, sparking a 160 acre grass fire. My guess is the Canadian government is trying to cover up a bigger problem.

Your Worthless Nonsense? leader.

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