Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Remember Throwin' Punches Around and Preachin' From My Chair

News Flash: John McCain is Against Protecting Kids from Sexual Predators.

What other reason does he have for attacking Obama on a bill that would protect kids from sexual predators? That's the ad I would run, but Obama spokesman Bill Burton had a decent response:
"It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls - a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why."
As for the VP candidate, why is it when Obama suggests taxing oil companies, he's a socialist anti-American, but when Palin does it, there's no mention by the right? In fact, it sounds like he may have based his idea on hers.

Who knows what Palin thinks, when she can't tell the truth about anything. Of course she's getting good numbers. That's what happens when you say great things about yourself, no matter the truth of them.

Palin on the bridge to nowhere: "Thanks but no thanks." - It's easy to say "no thanks" when you no longer have any chance to get the money. Harder when you think the money is coming.

McCain on Palin selling the Governor's jet. "She sold it on eBay. And made a profit!" That one's completely true, except it didn't sell on eBay and she didn't make a profit.

Palin: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending." She could have saved them even more had she not taken extra pay to live at home. Yes it's legal. But seriously, is the salary of governor of Alaska so low that she can't afford to live in her own home?

I gained respect for Palin for her fight against corruption in Alaska, and that was after her nomination. Her own ethics charges keep going back and forth (The guy she wanted fired seems like he deserves it, but all of the testimony is biased). I hope she comes out clean on that. I still don't want her helping run the country.

This is why I don't write about politics much. While her statements may be technically true (She did put the airplane on eBay, after all), they are so misleading as to be totally worthless statements. I'm sure there's a list of these about the democratic ticket as well. In fact, here's one, just to be fair.

Oh, and as for all the talk about Obama raising my taxes, turns out it may not be true. According to this site, I would pay $791 more in taxes under McCain. The Affiliate and I would need to double our income and not have any kids to be better off under McCain. Taxwise, that is.

Your Discouraged leader.


Anonymous said...

Stool, there is so much to cover here I don't know where to start...well yes I do...let's start at the beginnign.

"News Flash: John McCain is Against Protecting Kids from Sexual Predators."

I'm going to be kind, stool, and just take it for granted that since you don't have kids yet, you have no clue what has been going on in schools.

Groups that have agenda's that would put any parent into protective mode always start with a benign message...the all out pro-gay curriculum that is in place in MPS and SPPS started out as an "anti-bullying" campaign.

Before you respond with a knee jerk reaction, do some research into what "Out 4 equity" (SPPS) and "Out for good" (MPS) teaches, stool.

"As for the VP candidate, why is it when Obama suggests taxing oil companies, he's a socialist anti-American, but when Palin does it, there's no mention by the right? "

First of all, Palin governs a state that produces a major share of domestic oil. Her taxation plan is directly tied to the resources that are owned by her constituents.

Secondly, she is not proposing taxes as a putative reaction...she doesn't hate successful industries.

"Of course she's getting good numbers. That's what happens when you say great things about yourself, no matter the truth of them."

What you mean is that she ahsn't provided you with any thing solid to criticize...that's why the left is working overtime to make shit up. And it's why she's kicking Nobama's ass...keep it up!

"Palin on the bridge to nowhere: "Thanks but no thanks." - It's easy to say "no thanks" when you no longer have any chance to get the money. Harder when you think the money is coming."

I agree that this is not a good topic for her. Palin has a good record of fiscal responsibility and it's being occluded by her stubborn insistance on sticking with a half truth.

"McCain on Palin selling the Governor's jet. "She sold it on eBay. And made a profit!" That one's completely true, except it didn't sell on eBay and she didn't make a profit."

The point is, stool, during her campaign she criticized the Gov. for extravgent spending. She sold the plane, she fired the cooks and servents...just like she said she would.

"She could have saved them even more had she not taken extra pay to live at home."

Did you know she cut her own pay first? Do some digging.

"Her own ethics charges keep going back and forth (The guy she wanted fired seems like he deserves it, but all of the testimony is biased)."

That cop was a scumbag, with a scumbags record. Do yourself a big favor here and skip this one.

"Oh, and as for all the talk about Obama raising my taxes, turns out it may not be true."

Your link didn't make it, but I'd LOVE to see where it leads.

If you think that a Republican will raise yor taxes more than a Democrat, you really are a lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Never mind.

stifle...must control self....oh shit....Pfft...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Hey, I tried.

DiscordianStooge said...

Before you respond with a knee jerk reaction, do some research into what "Out 4 equity" (SPPS) and "Out for good" (MPS) teaches, stool.

What do those have to do with Obama's program?

First of all, Palin governs a state that produces a major share of domestic oil. Her taxation plan is directly tied to the resources that are owned by her constituents.

The resources are owned by the people, and not the companies that drill for them? Obama's plan basically said that the resources belong to Americans, and not oil companies. What's the difference, besides Palin being a Republican? (I happen to agree with her plan)

The point is, stool, during her campaign she criticized the Gov. for extravgent spending. She sold the plane, she fired the cooks and servents...just like she said she would.

So why lie?

Did you know she cut her own pay first?

And then took extra money to live at home. Sounds like a great tradeoff.

That cop was a scumbag, with a scumbags record. Do yourself a big favor here and skip this one.

I said I hope she's OK on that case. The guy seems like a scumbag, but the accusations are coming from an ex-wife in a custody battle, and she's recanted a lot of them. I've already said this isn't a point to attack her on for now, though.

If you think that a Republican will raise yor taxes more than a Democrat, you really are a lost cause.

Well, I don't make a mint, and the plans I've read would raise taxes on the super wealthy, while lowering taxes on lower income people. My guess is I'm in the middle, and won't be much affected much either way.

You tried not to laugh? It's half of your normal repartee.

Anonymous said...

They are both programs being promulgated by groups with controversial agendas. They are both being trotted out with innocuous if not beneficial sounding goals. Neither have the best interests of the students as a true goal.

As to the e-bay “scandal”.

Listen to the speech…she says “I put it on e-bay”. And she did. If this is the worst that can be thrown at her, she’s the squeaky cleanest candidate we’ve seen in 100 years.

“And then took extra money to live at home. Sounds like a great tradeoff.”

She cut her pay, got rid of the domestic servants, got rid of the cooks, got rid of the limo driver and took a completely legal payment. I don’t have time to calculate the savings to the state, but I’d bet my next paycheck that the aggregate savings were at least 50% of anything she was paid while at home.

Clearly, she was working in the best interests of the taxpayers.

“Well, I don't make a mint, and the plans I've read would raise taxes on the super wealthy, while lowering taxes on lower income people.”

You’ve been reading lefty websites, stool! For God sakes, use some common sense; try a “diversity” of sources….maybe even a couple of actual financial resources.

Think stool, think. Wealthy people didn’t get wealthy by being idiots…well the jackass movie guys, maybe….the point is that taxing the wealthy excessively doesn’t work.

First of all, there isn’t enough of them. Secondly, those people have the best financial advisors on the planet. If you squeeze them too hard, they’re gonna make it up someplace, and usually that place is on our backs.

The right answer is to cut *everybody’s* taxes and stop spending. While Bush & Co. have done a perfectly crappy job, the GOP stands for smaller, leaner government while the Dems want more, more, more.

Who do you have the best chance with?