Friday, December 14, 2007

Cars & Girls & Drinks & Song (& Bacon)

I shall now commence to freak out Mark by posting yet again this week.

I am a big supporter of mass transit, but it's not always the best choice for transportation.

Seven year-old girls should not have to take a bullet for their mothers. This girl could be a great leader someday. Does anyone doubt that prison is too good for the fuckwad that shot her?

Drinking Liberally gives back next week. Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot to the 331 Club in Nor'east on Thursday night. We'll be giving them all to the Marines in time for X-mas. Then stay for a drink or 3. Spotty will be there with his doggy video camera.

As you shop for X-mas gifts, you may be wondering, "Where does that really bad X-mas music come from?" Here's your answer.

And finally, a possible running mate for Bacon.

Either that, or a horribly embarrassing photo that could end Bacon's political career.

Your Take the A-Train leader.

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